Monday, November 9, 2009

New Pages

Though I haven't had much time to scrapbook, I did manage to create these two pages. I've been immersed in pictures of Evie when she was less then a year old. Then I look up and I can't believe how big she is and how not-like-a-baby she is. At least we have the blessing of cameras. Can you imagine how you would feel if you only had a few photos of your children to capture their childhood? I can't...which is most likely why I have over 2000 photos of Evelyn {sigh}. I can't help it though, if she wasn't so perfect, adorable, and sweet, I wouldn't take so many photos. Though I think that what I am trying to capture is her spirit and how we feel being her "mommee" and "dad-dy." If only...


keeshaobrien said...

super cute!

Anonymous said...

Really cute!

Love, Mom