Thursday, July 22, 2010


Despite how well I've been feeling and how well the babies seem to be doing the OB specialist is a little concerned about the S/D ratio of the umbilical cord of baby boy C. From my research the S/D ratio is a measurement of the "umbilical cord artery that compares the systolic with the diastolic flow and identifies the amount of resistance in the placental vasculature." The systolic is the measurement when the heart contracts and the diastolic is when the heart is relaxed. On Tuesday his measurement was above 4 while his siblings were approximately 2.5. Further research shows that if they have higher S/D ratios then they are more likely to have low birth weights as the nutrients cannot get through as easy. Yesterday measurements for A and B continued to be approximately 2.5 while baby Boy C raised to over 5. There is not stopage of blood flow or a reversal of the S/D ratio, which to us indicates a good reason to have the c-section. If the S/D ratio is high but biophysical US are normal then the baby is doing good. So far that has been the case. The final recommendation at Tuesday's appointment was a c-section. Shawn and I both realize that this was a suggestion based on the doctors cautious attitude and wanting to prevent any problems. We discussed our preference to wait it out and do daily monitoring. Unfortunately living 2+ hours from the hospital it was decided that I should be admitted to the hospital. Not such a horrible thing. I brought my computer to be online and to finish more pages digitally for our scrapbook and Evie's. I brought 3 books I am currently reading (yes, I am reading 3 books all at once!). I brought a Shape to start motivating healthy habits once I can no longer claim that I'm pregnant with triplets! I have twizzlers to snack on-YUM! I am free to walk and wander. They have cable and showers. Ok, it's been a little boring but wouldn't you expect it to be especially when you usually spend all day with an almost 3 year old??? Who even when I am resting or working has to be right there coloring or loving on me?? I MISS IT!!!! That has been my biggest hurdle: missing Evie. I haven't been able to talk about her, think about her, or talk to her with out a least crying a little. The worst came last night when she said "I want mommy!" while we were talking. She is so funny though as she keeps wanting to know why my pillow is gone. She is coming to visit today though (WOO-HOO!!!!!!!) and told daddy immediately this morning that she wanted to bring her pillow. So funny!! Hopefully the next 7 days goes fast for her and me!

My belly has been itching like crazy and to me that is a good sign. It means that my skin has to stretch to make room for the growing babies. I am HAPPY to itch!! Shawn has been saying that my belly looks bigger in the last few days as well. Also the babies, especially C, continue to amaze me that they are flipping around even this late in the game! On Tuesday baby C was head on my left, yesterday his head was on my right and TODAY he was head left only because his butt is now down my left side. I don't know where he is planning on going but he's going to try and get there. I don't know if he's trying to make his S/D ratio better as I've been telling to do and that's why he moves so much...if that's the case move, baby, move!

Well, that's all the news from room 422. I'll keep you up-to-date as I can AND include pictures when someone is here to take them!


sjv said...

We'll be there to keep you company for a while on Sunday!

Enjoy the visit with your sweet girl today and your sweet hubby!

See you in a couple days!

Love, sara

Anonymous said...

Take another picture before they are born so I can see hoe big you were!!!!

Love you!

keeshaobrien said...

Not too much longer! Love you and miss you!