4 years ago at this exact time (2:44pm) Shawn and I reached a pivotal moment in our lives: parenthood!! And the little person introducing us to the most precious of moments is the girl of the hour: Miss Evelyn Grace! We are shocked by how quickly the weeks, months and now years have flown by. What an honor God has bestowed on us when he gave us these 4 precious gifts. I gave Evie this quiz 2 days ago. So without further ado:
Favorite color: PINK (which she points out all day everyday, if it's pink it's hers)
Favorite animal: Hippo
Favorite food: Canadian Bacon Pizza
Favorite lunch food: PB w/ strawberry jam
Favorite tv Show: Dora
Favorite movie: Toy Story (all 3)
Favorite fruit: apple
Favorite snack food: goldfish crackers
Favorite Veggie: Peas
Favorite drink: chocolate milk
Favorite toy: Rapunzel
Favorite Bible Story: "Jesus"
Favorite song: "Jesus is Lord" (which she sings often, I asked her where she learned it she said "jesus")
Favorite outside activity: ride my bike and run too
BFF: Abi
What she is excited about most about restarting preschool: playing with my friends
Favorite thing about being a big sister: playing "duckies" (??) with them, playing with them in general
Favorite thing to do with daddy: color with daddy and go on runs with him too
Favorite thing to do with mommy: color
Favorite game: "Princess game" (she got one for her birthday and we've yet to play it together but apparently she's made up her own)
For Halloween I want to be: a bride (and marry daddy)
Other things:
She requests "etmeal" every morning for breakfast and only likes brown sugar. She gets in trouble everyday for not listening or obeying. Especially in regards to her treatment of her siblings. If anything she loves/helps too much. She is learning to crack eggs, her first landed on the floor because she slammed it into the counter. She can write E-V-I-E and at first did them spread out on the page And in random order. Now she loves to write illegible things and draw monsters. Her writing looks just like this IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII and it's almost that small too. She says something so wise on minute and so silly the next. I wish I could record better those moments. She collects rocks. She loves mommy-daddy-Evie time. She says the best prayers. She loves to tease, just like Auntie Candii. When daddy and Evie argue over who's silly they both agree mommy. She packs every bag she owns. She loves the "Go Fish" group and especially "Superstar". She LOVES to be outside. When she stayed with her amma and ampa V she followed ampa all over and wanted to go outside ALL the time. She loves to ride bike, draw with chalk, run, jump, swing, play in the sandbox. She will be one of those kids who is outside from sun up to sundown. I will watch her from the window...as I am not the "outdoorsy" type. She is all about performing for us and her most used sentence (besides WHY??) is "Mom/Dad, WATCH ME!!" She loves to make her siblings laugh and even 6 days later still gets super excited when Ella walks. I don't think she fully realizes that that is how we felt about ALL of her milestones too. Big discipline theme: disobedience. Typical punishment: timeout and/or a loss of a "ticket." When she loses all 5 tickets she loses mommy-daddy-Evie time and goes to bed early. Last week was a bad week as she went to bed early 3 days in a row. Her prayer on the third night was: "Dear God, help me not to be naughty..." Dang it if she isn't adorable even in her naughtiness. Sometimes that's the hardest part of parenting, the discipline. One thing that is hard about her being 4 is all the things she doesn't need or want us to do for her anymore. Even last night she told me I didn't need to wash her since she did it "all by myself." She is growing up too fast!!
Evelyn you bring us so much joy. We are so proud to be you mommy and daddy. We love watching you experience the world and process life. We adore you! Happy 4th Birthday, baby girl!!!!