Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here kitty, kitty.

Meet Texana, Evelyn's kitty friend.

She is the newest of Evie's "babies" that she hugs, loves, talks to, reads to and enjoys time with. Sometimes that is what we find Evie doing, just sitting around loving her friends.

She can even tell her everything, including her grievences about her parents and doing stuff she doesn't like to do.

Thanks to cousin Xander who found, stuffed, and sent Evie such a loving and special friend. We love you, Xander!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's Official

We had our Grand Re-Opening Open House on Monday. It went spectacular! We estimate that we met with approximately 50 people, which we think is fantastic. We gave tours, talked with people and enjoyed good food. And the grand finale, well really the opening act was the ribbon cutting! Yeah! We are now "officially" open for business.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pacifiers Anonymous

We've decided that an intervention is called for. We believe that there is a definite interference in her activities and her use has increased substantially, especially in the last few days. We are not sure what caused this escalation but know that we have to put a stop to her use or at the least convince her to use only one a day.

What a delightful, silly Monkey!

Friday, April 17, 2009

One of those things that make you smile

I found this on another blog and it made me smile so I thought I'd share it with you, enjoy! Fun facts: 2 rehearsals, 200 dancers, and one caught-off-guard Belgium crowd.

P.S this is my favorite song from the movie!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Try, try and try again

I am having major difficulties uploading pictures to my computer. I was able to get a few from the Easter weekend so I am giving everyone a single glimpse into Evie's 2nd Easter. Despite her 101+ fever, crabbiness, loss of appetite and fussiness we had a great time. Her highlight was the trail of eggs the "bunny" left to her Easter basket and repeatedly dumping out/picking up of the plastic eggs at my aunt and uncles. Darling girl!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

1. Anonymous...means anyone can post on my blog.

2. Shawn is a full year older on Sunday.

3. Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for you can only make me stronger.

4. Warmth/heat is what I look forward to most about Spring.

5. Who needs therapy when you have girlfriends.

6. Cadberry Creme Eggs MUST go into the Easter Basket!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to turning my gray back to brown, tomorrow my plans include driving to GR and Sunday, I want to celebrate the Resurrection of my Savior and Shawn's 28th Birthday!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A few of my favorite things.

1. DVR

Really, how did we ever live without it? Now I can fast-forward through commercials, rewind when I miss something, pause it when I have to go to the bathroom, or forget about it altogether. Nothing beats going out on a Friday night with my hubby, knowing that my favorite show will be there on Wednesday morning.

2. Christian Family Planner

It allows me to plan meals, compile shopping lists, list my weekly to-dos, plan my weekly activities and organize my months at-a-glance. When you have a toddler, a husband, a business, church and personal activities you need something to keep you organized! This is mine. There are so many who can't live without their electronic gizmo's but I'm an old fashioned pen and paper kind of woman.

3. Ice cream bars and sandwiches

I have to have dessert, a meal doesn't feel complete without it. Instead of all the weight-busting, can't stop myself, favorite alternatives like candy, cookies and cakes. I satisfy myself with one ice cream bar or sandwich. Delicious!

4. CK

For those not a scrapbooking fanatic, that stands for Creating Keepsakes. It's my favorite magazine and I pore over it at least twice. Then I tear out all the pages I am going to scraplift from or that I love the journal ideas or...

5. Our new office

There isn't anything I dislike about our new office, except for the 20+ minute drive times 2, and that's only after two days! My favorite thing is my purple office. My own office! With my own desk! My own shelf! My own...well you get the picture! What it means is that I don't have to clean it off every time I get to work, or that when I back up to stand up that I run into Shawn's chair. Our office is spacious, bright, cheery and professional! Loving it!

6. My bed

When the temperature dips below freezing and the wind sounds like it's going to blow over our house, I am especially thankful for my warm, comfy bed. Shawn is not a napper but if I could, without feeling dopey for the rest of the day or neglecting Evie, I would nap everyday. I especially love it when the comforter weighs 100 pounds, or close to. I imagine that my bed is like Mama Bear's bed..."too soft". At least it would be for Goldilocks. For me it's "just right"

7. My baby girl

Not quite a baby anymore, but definitely MY baby. My joy. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that there are times when I just shake my head in frustration or work to remain consistent and give her time outs when she deserves. Usually though, even in those most frustrating moments, I have to hold back a smile. She is so precious, pursing her lips as a sign of her independence. Throwing herself onto the floor in a tantrum. If only she knew how much these little acts amused and delighted me. When you are pregnant you imagine what this little person will be and the reality is 100x's better then I ever hoped for or imagined. And she's all mine!

8. The Y

When I go, it makes me feel energized and beautiful. Note the "when I go." Exercise is still a hard thing for me to motivate myself to do. However, I have managed to go to several strength training classes, which I love. It's great because they have "babysitting" so I can bring Evie and still workout. Our last stop is the ball pit, which she loves. The only downside is the roto virus that Evie got the first week we went there. Many weeks later it is going much better. Shawn loves it as well, and they have a beautiful trail for him to run on. Last week he saw 4 deer. This was in the middle of town. Crazy!

9. Reading blogs

I think of it as a type of people watching. People are fascinating. I particularly read those of other scrapbookers. They inspire me to be more creative and give me more ideas for my own scrapbooks. They can be addicting, I will admit. When we got our new computers I went through and deleted a bunch so that I can't spend as much time doing it.

10. Oatmeal

No matter the choices available for breakfast I still make myself a bowl of warm, creamy oatmeal. I have it down to an art. Bowl, add 1/2 c. oatmeal and the perfect amount of water (I've never used milk and I never measure). Microwave for 1 minute. Add a little bit of water and two tbsp brown sugar. Stir and enjoy! The only addition I ever make is maybe a banana. Even as I type this I think, mm mm, oatmeal would be good right now!

Friday, April 3, 2009

1. Angel or not, I will be patient and love my little girl forever.

2. Don't count on me changing any way you want me.

3. As my mother used to say, you're full of bologna (though my mother never said this).

4. I love how strong and energized I feel after I'm done working out or doing something strenuous.

5. Even in the most crowded of rooms I feel invisible.

6. I hope there is never another day that is a day fraught with peril.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to date night!, tomorrow my plans include taking Evie to meet the "Easter Bunny" and Sunday, I want to organize my photos and install them on my new computer!

1. Evie at 19 months.
2. Our big move (the office).
3. A few of my favorite things.