1. Letting Shawn sleep in was my last random act of kindness.
2. Another place to accumulate clutter.
3. Praying is important in matters of the heart.
4. Coffee, tea or "ick" neither.
5. At some point we all have to go our separate paths.
6. Our trials reminds me that there isa God, and He loves us.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to packing up the office and seeing my parents, tomorrow my plans include more packing and visiting w/ friends and Sunday, I want to move the office and more time with family!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Lists, lists, and more lists...
My life right now is filled with lists. Not just general to-do's but things to buy, places to call, businesses to contact, things to implement...and that's just on paper. I have so many things going through my head it's crazy. We are so excited for the move but there are so many "little" things to do. Making sure that all our patients know our new numbers, making sure we are set on marketing, getting out and meeting all of our business neighbors, ordering appointment cards. And in between that it's trying to do all of the "regular" stuff like prepare meals, take care of Evelyn, wash dishes...well you get the picture. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to keep sane in all of this? Or how to organize it all? I feel like my world is a stack of paper.
Will you keep us in your prayers? That everything goes well this weekend with our family and friends traveling, the weather holds up, that we get it done and that we open with a big successful bang! We appreciate it. Besides the exciting move I will get to see my parents for the first time since New Years!! My really good friend Sara (and husband Mike)! And my in-laws! I am looking forward to these visits alone.
Shawn has the big "walk-through" tomorrow. Then it will officially be ours! YIPPEE!!
Will you keep us in your prayers? That everything goes well this weekend with our family and friends traveling, the weather holds up, that we get it done and that we open with a big successful bang! We appreciate it. Besides the exciting move I will get to see my parents for the first time since New Years!! My really good friend Sara (and husband Mike)! And my in-laws! I am looking forward to these visits alone.
Shawn has the big "walk-through" tomorrow. Then it will officially be ours! YIPPEE!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Working on it...
I know, I know...
All I can say is that we are some very busy people right now. The office moves in 6 days and counting. It's been really hard to update my blog because we only have one working (good) computer. That is until today. We bought two laptops so that Shawn and I would both have something available to do work/play on. Now we will be able to accomplish so much more. Already it is so nice. We don't have to fight over it anymore and I can do more at home. It is also perfect timing since we will be having separate offices at the new location. Bliss is a 1500 square foot, designed by us, separate rooms, one of which is painted purple. I am in heaven at the new location. I will be posting pictures as soon as it is completed. They were 99.9% done, cleaning up today. It may take me a bit as with the new computer I still have to upload my camera software etc, etc, etc. But I thought I'd post just so you knew we were still alive and well.
Evelyn is as happy as ever. Loving life. We met with the speech specialists yesterday and they said "no worries." She's perfect! We already knew this. And I believe that Evie does know words. It's just that she sprinkles them in between gibberish that we haven't been able to pick them up, that and they are approximations to the real thing. Evie versions. Since God did not give me a Evie dictionary or Evie hearing filter I have been missing things. One of her new favorite things is walking and going to the park. She loves the slide. However, walking is just as exciting as an activity as any. Especially outside. The downside is that she is VERY independent. She doesn't want to hold my hand, which is obviously NOT okay on the street or in certain places. This means she launches into a total, fall-to-the-floor, meltdown. In the middle of the street, where else? She is none to happy when I proceed to pick her up and then she goes stiff as a board. How do they learn the perfect body tension/position so that holding on to them is almost impossible?? Tricky little things aren't they?
I'm sorry this post is so brief but well, it's 11pm and I'm tired. I'll try to post more tomorrow. Take care.
All I can say is that we are some very busy people right now. The office moves in 6 days and counting. It's been really hard to update my blog because we only have one working (good) computer. That is until today. We bought two laptops so that Shawn and I would both have something available to do work/play on. Now we will be able to accomplish so much more. Already it is so nice. We don't have to fight over it anymore and I can do more at home. It is also perfect timing since we will be having separate offices at the new location. Bliss is a 1500 square foot, designed by us, separate rooms, one of which is painted purple. I am in heaven at the new location. I will be posting pictures as soon as it is completed. They were 99.9% done, cleaning up today. It may take me a bit as with the new computer I still have to upload my camera software etc, etc, etc. But I thought I'd post just so you knew we were still alive and well.
Evelyn is as happy as ever. Loving life. We met with the speech specialists yesterday and they said "no worries." She's perfect! We already knew this. And I believe that Evie does know words. It's just that she sprinkles them in between gibberish that we haven't been able to pick them up, that and they are approximations to the real thing. Evie versions. Since God did not give me a Evie dictionary or Evie hearing filter I have been missing things. One of her new favorite things is walking and going to the park. She loves the slide. However, walking is just as exciting as an activity as any. Especially outside. The downside is that she is VERY independent. She doesn't want to hold my hand, which is obviously NOT okay on the street or in certain places. This means she launches into a total, fall-to-the-floor, meltdown. In the middle of the street, where else? She is none to happy when I proceed to pick her up and then she goes stiff as a board. How do they learn the perfect body tension/position so that holding on to them is almost impossible?? Tricky little things aren't they?
I'm sorry this post is so brief but well, it's 11pm and I'm tired. I'll try to post more tomorrow. Take care.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hello...Are you there?
It's been over a week since my last post and I know what you are thinking...Where have we gone? Well we're still here but very busy! Here is a rundown of the highlights and lowlights of the past week.
1. Shawn ran several miles as he works training for his half marathon. I hit the gym for two strength training classes and some aerobic time.
2. We interview and hire a new employee. She is taking over for our existing staff member who cannot follow us to M****** for family reasons. We are very excited as she's a sweet girl with a bubbly personality. She is also obtaining a degree as an administrative assistant...what more could we ask for?
3. Evie has her 18 month checkup. She is 21 lbs, 31.5 in and has a head circumference of 17.75in. Overall, very healthy. Dr. S notes a red and pussy left ear. She questions antibiotics but it's only her second day with it so we chose to let her body do the fighting (research shows that left untreated, except for pain relievers, the majority of ear infections heal on their own). She also suggests an audiology appointment and check with a speech therapist because although she "talks" a lot, she is behind in her words.
4. That evening, despite the use of Tylenol, Evie has a 103 degree fever and sleeps miserably. Shawn and I suffer the consequences of this. I call Dr. S and request the antibiotic. The dreaded pink stuff! I had so many ear infections that I still remember the stuff, yuck! The nurse asks if Evie has any allergies and I tell her that this is her first antibiotic. She was AMAZED! Chiropractic kids are healthy kids!! Regular adjustments have shown to improve immunity in kids, and cut down on colds/viruses. I'm just saying!
5. The visit to the audiologist shows a perfect right ear and fluid (ie. ear infection) in the left ear. The doctor says no worries. I knew her hearing is fine so this is really no surprise. No contact from the speech people, yet.
6. I am on the steering committee for my local MOPS. We set up and hold a dance/silent auction fundraiser. Success!! And Shawn and I learn a two step and some fun dance moves which I am going to insist we practice so we can impress our relatives at Laura's wedding! A fun, rewarding, tasty date night. And I won a purple purse, children's toys AND a riding lesson in the silent auction! Woo-hoo!
7. We watched a curling bonspiel for the first time, at the local curling club. We are given a tutorial by a longtime resident and curling player. The sport appears slow but is really fun to watch in public.
8. We take Evie to the mall in M****** to play at a little play place that is a bunch of clinic "equipment" (ie bandaids, stethoscope etc) that are giant size and things that children can climb on, slide down, and crawl through. She has a blast, running, sliding, crawling, climbing, and squealing. It gave us such joy to watch.
9. Evie took several naps in the car. I was able to do some business reading and made calls to disconnect/transfer service at our current office.
10. We stop in at our new clinic. The walls are painted and we love it. The colors are perfect. We'll officially get the keys on the 15th. Up next: ceiling, floors, doors etc.) There is still a lot to be done but is going so fast. Some of the rooms are bigger then we expected a few are smaller. We'll deal, but now we are going to have to re-think our placement of our adjustment tables. I am so excited to have my OWN office. No more sharing w/ Shawn! And it's purple. Can it get any better? Have you ever written down your goals for what you'd like in life? We have and one of them is my own office, and a bigger office. So far these are falling into place.
11. As always, I am cleaning, decluttering, organizing etc. Isn't it a never ending cycle? I won't mention the loads of laundry and dishes that Shawn does every week.
12. I attended a MOPS meeting where I talk with other women with children in the same age range as Evie. We get to listen to the great speaker whose topic is organizing. How appropriate! I love to organize and get ride of clutter! Hello, FlyLady! The food is delicious. I love my time spent there and I've made several new friends. I also have the chance to hold sweet 6 week old Greta. What a darling! I miss the newborn stage. I can feel the clock starting to tick!
13. We are planning, working, and organizing for the move of our business in less then 18 days!! So much to do, so little time. In office, we have done so much but there is so much to do. I did bring in a partial payment to the company that is making our building and roadside signs. We also picked up our new business cards, they look awesome.
14. Attended Church and did our weekly grocery shopping. We have started to do this every Sunday. If we can afford it we go for Sunday lunch.
15. I have to take an extra trip into M****** because of course my contact would tear when I don't have any extra on hand. Shawn tries to convince me that I look sexy in my glasses but I hate wearing them. I've had the same ones for over 8 years and they are a little worn and bent (from little tiny hands!). Shawn has perfect vision so he has no idea how annoying they can be.
16. Talked about how tired we are of winter. Spring will you EVER come? Only 10 more days to go. We turn the clock ahead one hour. I hate losing the time but it does help keeping Evie in bed till 7am instead of before 6. How did I, a night person, get such a happy little morning lark?? We groan when we hear her little musical glow worm start playing, it means that the monkey has awakened for the day.
And there is ton of in between stuff. Sometimes I wonder when things will return to "normal." But the honest answer is never, we are always busy. Always working on some project. Dealing with some illness or allergy or headache. Planning for something. Celebrating something. Watching time pass. Time never stands still. Hopefully, I can find time to keep this blog a little more updated. And now, since a blog isn't fun unless there is a picture. Here is a little blast from Evie's past. She is three months old. What a darling!
1. Shawn ran several miles as he works training for his half marathon. I hit the gym for two strength training classes and some aerobic time.
2. We interview and hire a new employee. She is taking over for our existing staff member who cannot follow us to M****** for family reasons. We are very excited as she's a sweet girl with a bubbly personality. She is also obtaining a degree as an administrative assistant...what more could we ask for?
3. Evie has her 18 month checkup. She is 21 lbs, 31.5 in and has a head circumference of 17.75in. Overall, very healthy. Dr. S notes a red and pussy left ear. She questions antibiotics but it's only her second day with it so we chose to let her body do the fighting (research shows that left untreated, except for pain relievers, the majority of ear infections heal on their own). She also suggests an audiology appointment and check with a speech therapist because although she "talks" a lot, she is behind in her words.
4. That evening, despite the use of Tylenol, Evie has a 103 degree fever and sleeps miserably. Shawn and I suffer the consequences of this. I call Dr. S and request the antibiotic. The dreaded pink stuff! I had so many ear infections that I still remember the stuff, yuck! The nurse asks if Evie has any allergies and I tell her that this is her first antibiotic. She was AMAZED! Chiropractic kids are healthy kids!! Regular adjustments have shown to improve immunity in kids, and cut down on colds/viruses. I'm just saying!
5. The visit to the audiologist shows a perfect right ear and fluid (ie. ear infection) in the left ear. The doctor says no worries. I knew her hearing is fine so this is really no surprise. No contact from the speech people, yet.
6. I am on the steering committee for my local MOPS. We set up and hold a dance/silent auction fundraiser. Success!! And Shawn and I learn a two step and some fun dance moves which I am going to insist we practice so we can impress our relatives at Laura's wedding! A fun, rewarding, tasty date night. And I won a purple purse, children's toys AND a riding lesson in the silent auction! Woo-hoo!
7. We watched a curling bonspiel for the first time, at the local curling club. We are given a tutorial by a longtime resident and curling player. The sport appears slow but is really fun to watch in public.
8. We take Evie to the mall in M****** to play at a little play place that is a bunch of clinic "equipment" (ie bandaids, stethoscope etc) that are giant size and things that children can climb on, slide down, and crawl through. She has a blast, running, sliding, crawling, climbing, and squealing. It gave us such joy to watch.
9. Evie took several naps in the car. I was able to do some business reading and made calls to disconnect/transfer service at our current office.
10. We stop in at our new clinic. The walls are painted and we love it. The colors are perfect. We'll officially get the keys on the 15th. Up next: ceiling, floors, doors etc.) There is still a lot to be done but is going so fast. Some of the rooms are bigger then we expected a few are smaller. We'll deal, but now we are going to have to re-think our placement of our adjustment tables. I am so excited to have my OWN office. No more sharing w/ Shawn! And it's purple. Can it get any better? Have you ever written down your goals for what you'd like in life? We have and one of them is my own office, and a bigger office. So far these are falling into place.
11. As always, I am cleaning, decluttering, organizing etc. Isn't it a never ending cycle? I won't mention the loads of laundry and dishes that Shawn does every week.
12. I attended a MOPS meeting where I talk with other women with children in the same age range as Evie. We get to listen to the great speaker whose topic is organizing. How appropriate! I love to organize and get ride of clutter! Hello, FlyLady! The food is delicious. I love my time spent there and I've made several new friends. I also have the chance to hold sweet 6 week old Greta. What a darling! I miss the newborn stage. I can feel the clock starting to tick!
13. We are planning, working, and organizing for the move of our business in less then 18 days!! So much to do, so little time. In office, we have done so much but there is so much to do. I did bring in a partial payment to the company that is making our building and roadside signs. We also picked up our new business cards, they look awesome.
14. Attended Church and did our weekly grocery shopping. We have started to do this every Sunday. If we can afford it we go for Sunday lunch.
15. I have to take an extra trip into M****** because of course my contact would tear when I don't have any extra on hand. Shawn tries to convince me that I look sexy in my glasses but I hate wearing them. I've had the same ones for over 8 years and they are a little worn and bent (from little tiny hands!). Shawn has perfect vision so he has no idea how annoying they can be.
16. Talked about how tired we are of winter. Spring will you EVER come? Only 10 more days to go. We turn the clock ahead one hour. I hate losing the time but it does help keeping Evie in bed till 7am instead of before 6. How did I, a night person, get such a happy little morning lark?? We groan when we hear her little musical glow worm start playing, it means that the monkey has awakened for the day.
And there is ton of in between stuff. Sometimes I wonder when things will return to "normal." But the honest answer is never, we are always busy. Always working on some project. Dealing with some illness or allergy or headache. Planning for something. Celebrating something. Watching time pass. Time never stands still. Hopefully, I can find time to keep this blog a little more updated. And now, since a blog isn't fun unless there is a picture. Here is a little blast from Evie's past. She is three months old. What a darling!

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