Tuesday, April 24, 2012

2012 Week in the Life-Tuesday























  A rundown of our day:

1.  Boys {as usual} are the first ones up and enjoy their usual fair of Honey Kix in a snack cup and delicous cold goat's milk.  YUM!
2.  Shawn and I have a conference call at 7am with our business mentor and coach, Dr. Erica.  Today's topic: Progress reports and our PVA.
3.  Good morning!!!
4.  Yeah, Ella's up!!
5.  Breakfast is done and mom is showered....kid's already know what's next.  We're going upstairs.!!!!!!
6.  Kids are adept at going  up and down the stairs.
7.  Ella hamming it up before climbing the stairs.  This is the typical face we get when we say "cheese!"
8.  On our way to preschool.  Isn't she adorable???  She's such a firecracker!
9.  Dropping Evie off at the Red Class.  On today's calender:  planting   Later Evie was quick to tell me her class enjoyed a "picnic" with "JUST" pretzels and water.
10.  Scholastic book fair at preschool this week.  I bought 12 books (short one for Henry) which includes enough for the all of my nieces and nephews for upcoming birthdays.  I spent $41.25 and my favorites include a book "Me I Am" about being the one and only you and a book for Evie's kindergarten year about X-rays.
11.  I had counseling today.  His office is in this church.  Confession:  I have anxiety.   My diagnosis is post-partum anxiety (the lesser known and treated friend of post-partum depression) with some post traumatic stress disorder.  I'm on 2 medications but my anxiety levels were still not well controlled.  I sought counseling, which has helped trememdously!
12.  Evie and I's lunch today...good ol' McDonald's cheeseburger Happy Meals.
13.  Chris, one of our chiropractic assistant's, working away.  They are very appreciated!
14.  Evie, showing how happy her "happy meal" makes her.  Today's toy, small stuffed  animals (griraffe and cheetah)
15. "Quick" stop at Target for sunglasses...and flour...and frozen veggies...and popcorn...and gum....oooh and this pair of baby socks that I know will be perfect for ??
16.  My new pair of soon-to-be-broken sunglasses.  Ironically I also bought a pair LAST week in the life.
17.  Photo shoot with Ella
18.  "Babies" down for naps at 1:45p and Grant is up in less then an hour.  Spends some time cuddling with Grandma Lyn....awwww!
19.  In "typical" Henry fashion, he wakes up CRABBY!!!!!!!
20.  See that spoon in Ella's  hand?  Henry wants it.  See Ella's frown?  It's because she KNOWS that Henry wants it...not that he has tried to retrieve it.  Just that he is wanting it.  The thought process here amazes and delights me.
21-23.  Babies all decked out in "we're going to the park" attire.  Just getting out their shoes turns frowns upside down.  All 4 kiddos LOVE, LOVE, LOVE,  being outside.  I do not...guess I will have to get over that:)
24.  The first time at the park this year, Ella was a sliding fiend.  I didn't even show her how...she was up on the stairs and down backwards on her tummy without so much as a "c'mon Ella" from me.  Today...slides are scary.
25.  Evelyn has always been fearful of heights, slides, and swings.  LOVE that she has conquered those initial hesitations.
26.  Fist bump!!!!
27.  Climbed up here without any hesitation and coaching, climbed down herself too!!!!
28.  Mama making sliding fun!  Of course, I would read on facebook today that riding on parents laps down slides is dangerous and a huge reason for fractured legs.  Drat!
29-31.  Henry was scared at first but ended up loving it.  Ella was a pro (she's always been our daredevil) and Grant was NOT satisfied swinging with me... he loved going solo.
32.  All the kids loved the big tires.  Definitely need some for our yard.
33-34.  Sand play ALWAYS a hit with the A clan.  Grant is delightfully destroying an abandoned "castle."
35.  Kids had showers to wash away all the grime and it was followed by lotion, which they all LOVE to "help" with.
36.  I "made" dinner: Bacon Cheeseburger and Sausage/Canadian Bacon pizzas.  Special of he day: cheesy bread sticks.
37.  "Cheese" while playing with shape sorter box.
38.  Don't even know how to title this look...just seems appropriate for the end of our day!

Gratitude:  That I was able to go home early and Shawn's back was feeling well enough for him to work the entire day himself.  Thank you Shawn for reminding me that being a SAHM is a joy and a privilege that I was taking for granted.  But please don't hurt your back (or re-injure it) to remind me again.  THANKS!

Overheard:  "You're not nice!" Evie said to a boy who told her she couldn't climb up the tires because it was "his" spot.  I encouraged her to go up anyhow and stood watch.   This mama REALLY wanted the boy to sass again just so I could have the satisfaction of telling him to knock it off.  Didn't happen though...phooey!

Confession:  Evie had to potty at the park and I rushed her over to what I thought were the park bathrooms (turns out porta-potties are the park bathrooms).  Since she had to go, I did what I had to and had her pee behind the building.  Of course, of all the fun things we did/she did today...what do think where the first words to her daddy about her day???  

1 comment:

keeshaobrien said...

What a fun day! Love you guys, can't wait for Wednesday's installment.