10. Your gorgeous baby blues. It's the same blue as mommy and I am happy that you've recieved this trait. Though we notice how beautifully blue they are it was even more apparent in this picture of you and Evie.
9. That you are our stubborn girl. You've been so frustrated in your attempts at crawling. Those silly extremities, why don't they work like they are supposed to? BUT you never give up. We love your determination...and hope you will continue to work hard at those things that aren't easy at first.
8. That you love to talk and do so with a wide range of words and emotions. "Ma-ma, ba-ba and da-da" are favorites along with some said quietly, some loudly, some smiling and some with angry frowns. Such as communicator!
7. Your sleep schedule. You LOVE sleep, sleeping from approximately 7:30p to 6a. Most mornings we have get you up because of your brothers need for food, and you nap the longest. Please explain to your brothers that this would be ideal for mommy and daddy.
6. Your energy. You probably sleep the best because you never stop moving. It's like sleep is a pause in your day. The other morning while you were half asleep you started rolling your fingers over your lips, like it was the last thing you'd done before falling asleep and were getting going again now that you were reaching wakefulness.
5. Your smile is the brightest. You love life.
4. Your joy. You find the world beautiful. We hope that this is so always.
3. Your a tough little girl but you are still sporting a double chin and rolls on your thighs. Love it...those chubbies!
2. That you are always on the go. You are the only one we REALLY have to watch when using the changing table. Even holding you, you can roll over during diaper changes and I am literally holding you on by a leg...straight up in the air.
And the #1 thing we love about you is that we get to call you our daughter, our sweet pea Ella Bella, and that we get to watch you learn and grow.
Ella's Statistics and Facts this month:
Weight: 17lbs (21%)
Length: 26.5" (5%)
Head Circumference: 16.75" (1%)
*Evie was always long and skinny. Ella in comparison (and this is the only comparison we've made) is the same weight but 1.5" shorter with a smaller head. So short and "fat." Ella is more stalky...all those muscles from her "workouts."
*Met her Uncle Christ for the first time on March 24th.
*Went to her first funeral, for great-grandma Betty.
*Begins to use the pincher grasp to pick up puffs. Gets really good at getting food to her mouth after a week.
*On March 31st gets up on all fours and rocking. Crawling "here I come."
*On April 1st says the best words ever "ma-ma-ma."
*Moves to 3 "square" meals a day on March 29th and also "eats" at her first restaurant.
*Was thoroughly disgusted by both new foods, potatoes and avocados, this month.
*FINALLY sits for several minutes unassisted on April 17th. Most of the time she has been too rigid and wanting to stand or lay down instead.
*While movement in "typical" crawling fashion has not yet been achieved Ella can scoot backward, turn around, roll around, and army crawl forward. All attempts at crawling have proven futile.
1 comment:
I love you Ella Bella and just want to smother you with kisses! Love those baby blues and can't wait until July!
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