Friday, June 10, 2011

Orange for Owen

When was the last time you thanked God, REALLY thanked God for your children?? Thanked him for the poopy diapers, the endless laundry, the talking back, the screaming, the toys strewn from one end of the house to the other, the interupted sleep, the tantrums, the lies, and all that goes along with children. It is EASY to be thankful for smiles, laughter, and sweet "I love you's." There is a mother (one of many I am sure) who lost one of her 6 month old triplets from SIDS. One who would give her life to change his diaper one last time or see his sweet smile. Please hug your babies tonight. Be thankful they are here for you to kiss and serve. I am holding mine a little tighter tonight.

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